Main Office 931-433-1708|Routing Number 064108786|Lost/Stolen Card 855-757-8317

Simple BusinessEnhanced BusinessBusiness NowMoney Market
Initial Deposit
Simple Business
Enhanced Business
Business Now
Money Market
Simple Business
All Businesses
Enhanced Business
All Businesses
Business Now
Sole Proprietorships, Government Agencies, or Non-Profit Organizations
Money Market
All Businesses
Minimum Daily Balance Requirement
Simple Business
Enhanced Business
Business Now
to earn interest & avoid monthly fees
Money Market
to earn interest and avoid monthly fees
Monthly Maintenance Fee
Simple Business
Enhanced Business
Business Now
$10.00 if Balance Falls Bewlow $1,500.00
Money Market
$10.00 if Balance Falls Bewlow $2,500.00
Simple Business
Enhanced Business
Business Now
Money Market
Transaction* Limits
Simple Business
175 Transactions* Free Each Month;
$.25 Fee for Each Additional Transaction
Enhanced Business
Unlimited Monthly Transactions
Business Now
Unlimited Monthly Transactions
Money Market
6 Withdrawals Per Statement Cycle;
$5.00 Fee for Each Additional Withdrawal
Payroll Deposits
Simple Business
$25 One-Time Implementation Fee
Enhanced Business
Business Now
$25 One-Time Implementation Fee
Money Market
Account Not Eligible
Additional Features
Simple Business
  • Online Banking
  • Bill Pay
  • Instant Debit Cards
  • QuickBooks Compatibility
  • Overdraft Protection
  • Free Notary
  • Free Coin Count
Enhanced Business
  • Online Banking
  • Bill Pay
  • Instant Debit Cards
  • QuickBooks Compatibility
  • Overdraft Protection
  • Free Notary
  • Free Coin Count
Business Now
  • Online Banking
  • Bill Pay
  • Instant Debit Cards
  • QuickBooks Compatibility
  • Overdraft Protection
  • Free Notary
  • Free Coin Count
Money Market
  • Online Banking
  • QuickBooks Compatibility
  • Free Notary
  • Free Coin Count

A transaction includes deposits, checks written, ACH Activity, debit card activity, and any other debits or credits.